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Soma Design

Soma Design

Soma design allows us to “examine” and improve on connections among sensation, feeling, emotion, and subjective understanding and values. It has to do with movements and bodies, but addresses the whole self, body and mind as one.

Research method

Soma Design represents a qualitative shift from a predominantly symbolic, language-oriented stance, to an experiential, felt, aesthetic stance permeating the whole design and use cycle


  • Soma Design toolkit
  • Applications with IKEA: Soma Mat & Breathing Light
  • MIT Press book: Designing with the Body by Höök
  • During 2019: four papers receiving honourable mention paper award

Responsible Design

Responsible Design

Responsible design encompassing feminism, ethics, politics, activism and advocacy.

Research method

Designing with taboo topics such as menstruation or menopause, building applications, exploring humor and ambiguity as a design resource


  • Applications for female health: Labella – a tool to learn more about your vagina

  • “Curious Cycles”: probes for curiosity in menstrual cycles

  • ’Smart’ seed library – a library of seeds for the local community engaging in urban gardening

Implicit Interactions

Implicit Interactions

Implicit interactions stay in the background, thriving on data analysis of speech, movements, and other contextual data, avoiding unnecessarily disturbing us or grabbing our attention.

Research method

Research through Design engaging with “data as a material”, using machine learning


  • Applications engaging with intimate data: peeing – recently awarded honourable mention paper award
  • Designing for the outdoors: turning off
  • Collaboration with Samsung: creating their AI UX

Energy Design

Energy Design

Through making energy into a core material in design processes, designers can minimize consumption in the applications as such as well as empowering end-users with effective tools to handle energy consumption.

Research method

Research through Design engaging with “energy as a material” – dividing necessary energy consumption (exergy) from losses (anergy) arising from sources such as servers on stand-by or frequent checking of bluetooth connectivity


Application for electric vehicles: redesigning the interface to help drivers save and consume battery.