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KTH Physics PhD Conference 2021

Publicerad 2021-05-12

The KTH Physics PhD Conference is a biannual event where PhD students of the KTH Physics and KTH Applied Physics departments are given an opportunity to present their research in short popular or technical talks as part of their research education. The 2021 edition of the conference will be held May 27-28 with the first day dedicated to popular talks open to the public. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference will be fully digital on Zoom.

The May 27 popular session will open at 9.15 and last until 15.45 with several breaks (see program). The Zoom room for the session can be joined through the link kth-se.zoom.us/j/67067903561  and is open to the public. There will be some limited time for questions after each talk.

Program summary

Download program summary in PDF (pdf 128 kB)

May 27 - Popular session

Time: 9.25 - Mattias Blennow

Presenter: Mattias Blennow
Affiliation: Program director, PhD Physics
Title: Introduction

Time: 9.30 - Rabia Shaheen

Presenter: Rabia Shaheen
Affiliation: KTH Physics, Particle and astroparticle physics
Title: Discovery of Higgs Boson With ATLAS Detector, CERN

Time: 9.45 - Albert Peralta Amores

Presenter: Albert Peralta Amores
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Quantum and biophotonics
Title: Quantum key distribution

Time: 10.00 - Mats Barkman

Presenter: Mats Barkman
Affiliation: KTH Physics, Condensed Matter Theory
Title: Critical phenomena, phase transitions and universality

Time: 10.15 - Max Widarsson

Presenter: Max Widarsson
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Laser Physics
Title: Up-conversion LIDAR

Time: 10.45 - Andreas Bodén

Presenter: Andreas Bodén
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Biophysics
Title: Imaging life through modern microscopes

Time: 11.00 - Jonatan Alvelid

Presenter: Jonatan Alvelid
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Biophysics

STED nanoscopy – next-generation microscopy

Time: 11.15 - Qigui Yang

Qigui Yang
KTH Physics, Nuclear Engineering

The theoretical evaluation of the nuclear waste storage

Time: 11.45 - Yangli Chen

Yangli Chen
KTH Physics, Nuclear Power Safety

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Severe Accident: A Review and Lessons Learned

Time: 12.00 - Wei Zhang

Presenter: Wei Zhang
Affiliation: KTH Physics, Nuclear Physics
Title: Shape coexistence in nuclei

Time: 12.15 - Yan Xiang

Presenter: Yan Xiang
Affiliation: KTH Physics, Nuclear Power Safety
Title: A scoping study of metal melt fragmentation and debris formation in water

Time: 13.30 - Huan Liu

Presenter: Huan Liu
Affiliation: KTH Physics, Nuclear Engineering
Title: Accident-tolerant Fuel

Time: 13.45 - Patrick Mutter


Patrick Mutter

Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Laser Physics
Title: Quasi-phase-matching

Time: 14.00 - Hongdi Wang


Hongdi Wang

Affiliation: KTH Physics, Nuclear Power Safety
Title: Thermo-mechanical behavior of the reactor pressure vessel wall in the nuclear severe accidents

Time: 14.15 - Yucheng Deng


Yucheng Deng

Affiliation: KTH Physics, Nuclear Power Safety
Title: Experimental study on Oxidation of Zr-Fe Alloy

Time: 14.45 - Maryam Sanaee

Presenter: Maryam Sanaee
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Quantum and Biophotonics
Title: New drug delivery systems based on exosomes and exosome-mimetic nanovesicles

Time: 15.00 - Felix Vennberg

Presenter: Felix Vennberg
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Photonics
Title: Introduction to optical metamaterials and structural color applications

Time: 15.15 - Yuefei Liu

Presenter: Yuefei Liu
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Materials and Nanophysics
Title: Introduction of quantum entanglement between magnons

Time: 15.30 - Yuchuan Fan

Presenter: Yuchuan Fan
Affiliation: KTH Applied Physics, Photonics
Title: Fast signal quality monitoring for coherent communications enabled by CNN-based EVM estimation