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Tune in for pod talk on Future Education with Luigia Brandimarte

Podcast: "Fikasnack"

Fikasnack om framtidens utbildning
Publicerad 2023-04-11

Luigia Brandimarte, winner of KTH Pedagogical Prize 2022, has been invited as a guest speaker at the next episode of Fikasnack: om framtidens utbildning, a KTH podcast series about education of the future.

Fika talk on education of the future – episode 5 goes live on Zoom on April 12th from 3 PM to 3.30 PM.

In the podcast Luigia Brandimarte chats with Johan Fridell about the change programme Future Education at KTH and about education of the future in general.

Luigia Brandimarte, Associate Professor and Docent in Hydraulic Engineering at SEED, was awarded KTH's educational prize in 2022.

Click this link for more information and a Zoom link.

Time: Wed 2023-04-12 15.00 - 15.30

Video link: Zoom

Language: English

Participating: Johan Fridell with Luigia Brandimarte