If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
The examination consists of this course three parts: one practical and one oral exercise and a final oral exam.
The practical exercise is based on lab work conducted in groups. Each group will have one lab assistant to supervise the group. The goal is to generate and analyze data within a specified project. A written lab report summarizing the project will be handed in per group. Attendance and active participation are mandatory for all lab sessions. This is a group activity. Hence, all students will be evaluated as group members.
The oral exercise includes presenting your lab work to your peers. Each group prepares slides summarizing your results and observations in the context of the course content. Each group will also act as an opponent to another group, and all group members are expected to present and ask questions. Attendance and active participation are mandatory for the final workshop. This is a group activity. Hence all students will be evaluated as group members.
The oral exam is performed in groups of three students and consists of questions that aim to discuss the different topics within and around proteomics. Students are expected to show that they have obtained the knowledge according to the aims of the course. The students should also be able to express their opinions regarding various aspects of proteomics technologies. Opinions cannot be right or wrong, but the way the argumentation is presented will be evaluated. Each student will be evaluated individually and regardless of the other group members.