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AG2169 Staden som ett kollektivt minne i ständig utveckling 5,0 hp

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Kursplan AG2169 (VT 2012–)
Rubriker med innehåll från kursplan AG2169 (VT 2012–) är markerade med en asterisk ( )

Innehåll och lärandemål


In urban planning, heritage has until recently been handled as a separate sector through which certain buildings, monuments and spatial elements are managed by heritage specialists, historians and archaeologists. Valuation of heritage has therefore focused on individual and groups of buildings, monuments and objects in isolation of the built environment of a city. This focus has sometimes been broadened when the surrounding environment of an object revealed a historic significance. Conservation of heritage has also ideologically been steered by ideas of passing specific physical heritage to future generations. These practices of valuing and conserving heritage have partly been promoted in local and national policies for heritage conservation through international treaties starting with the Venice Charter from 1964.

A series of new perspectives, tendencies and criticism have recently influenced the understanding and professional practices of heritage. One change concerns the construction of heritage meaning. A central issue here concerns the raised awareness regarding the different memories and meanings that are embedded in a city and how this diversity may result in competing claims on what to value as heritage and how to conserve it. Another change concerns the growing conflicts underpinned by competing ideologies within heritage management that range between conservation and modernisation. Rather than seeing heritage conservation as a hinder for urbanisation and modernisation, heritage is increasingly seen as a resource for city branding and marketing. A third change responds to the criticism of the employment of international heritage standards worldwide with little attention to local and regional specificities. Finally, there are growing criticisms of the reification of heritage and the objectification of memories, calling for a broader understanding of the intertwined relations between tangible and intangible aspects of heritage.


By the end of the course, students shall be able to

  • explore the possible meanings of heritage in Palestinian cities that are embedded by diverse memories and competing interpretations of heritage.
  • examine strategies, plans and / or architectural projects that highlight the value of heritage in a city and enhance the consideration of collective memories and diverse meanings in planning. 

Kurslitteratur och förberedelser

Särskild behörighet

60 credits in urban and regional planning, urban design or architecture

Rekommenderade förkunskaper

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Hammami Feras (2012) Conservation under Occupation: Conflictual powers and cultural heritage meanings. Journal of Planning Theory and Practice issue 13(2) 2012;

Harvey David (2000). Continuity, authority and the place of heritage in the Medieval world (Journal of Historical Geography, 26, 1; 47–59)

Harvey David (2001). Heritage pasts and heritage presents: temporality, meaning, and the scope of heritage studies. (International Journal of Heritage. Studies. 7:319–38)

Howarth David (2000) Discource. Open University Press.

Examination och slutförande

När kurs inte längre ges har student möjlighet att examineras under ytterligare två läsår.


P, F


  • PRO1 - Individuell projektarbete, 5,0 hp, betygsskala: P, F

Examinator beslutar, baserat på rekommendation från KTH:s handläggare av stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning, om eventuell anpassad examination för studenter med dokumenterad, varaktig funktionsnedsättning.

Examinator får medge annan examinationsform vid omexamination av enstaka studenter.

Övriga krav för slutbetyg

To get the course grade, the students shall write a seminar paper and submit before the course starts, work in groups on a specific question related to heritage and planning and present at the last day of the course, and write the findings from their group work in individual papers.

Möjlighet till komplettering

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Möjlighet till plussning

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Etiskt förhållningssätt

  • Vid grupparbete har alla i gruppen ansvar för gruppens arbete.
  • Vid examination ska varje student ärligt redovisa hjälp som erhållits och källor som använts.
  • Vid muntlig examination ska varje student kunna redogöra för hela uppgiften och hela lösningen.

Ytterligare information

Kursrum i Canvas

Registrerade studenter hittar information för genomförande av kursen i kursrummet i Canvas. En länk till kursrummet finns under fliken Studier i Personliga menyn vid kursstart.

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Avancerad nivå


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Feras Hammami, feras.hammami@abe.kth.se