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From basic research to societal benefits

Research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology generates new knowledge and technological development that can lead to significant change – for the world, for society and for people.

The research profile of KTH

Current activities

Illustration of landscape with 6G
“The vision of the 6G Satellite Communication Center is that mobile communication services will be seamlessly available to anyone with a 6G device, anywhere, anytime”, says KTH Associate Professor Cicek Cavdar, Center Director.

60 million kronor to research center for stable 6G everywhere on earth

SSF has awarded a grant of 60 million kronor to the multidisciplinary research center “SMART 6GSAT - Sustainable Mobile Autonomous and Resilient 6G SatCom”, the first Swedish center of its kind. “Our...

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Stefan Grönkvist, professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, is researching which types of energy can fit into a future, greener energy system (Photo: Jon Lindhe)

The challenge of replacing fossil fuels with hydrogen

Hydrogen can become an integral part of future energy supply. But first we need to make progress on efficiency and storage issues. That's according to Stefan Grönkvist, professor of energy processes.

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Ari. Photo: Nelly Sahlstrand
Ari. Photo: Nelly Sahlstrand

Can we trust robots? Researchers aim to make them safer

What will it take for robots to earn our trust? The PerCorSo project within the Wallenberg-financed research programme WASP explores how to make robots safe, reliable, and socially aware, focusing on ...

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Recent publications

A. Jaber, I. Koufos and M. Christopoulou, "A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Review for Digital Twin : Cybersecurity Perspectives and Open Challenges," in Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing : The 19th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2024), 2025, pp. 78-98.
A. Broms, A. H. Barnett and A.-K. Tornberg, "Accurate close interactions of Stokes spheres using lubrication-adapted image systems," Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 523, 2025.
A. Cremades, S. Hoyas and R. Vinuesa, "Additive-feature-attribution methods : A review on explainable artificial intelligence for fluid dynamics and heat transfer," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 112, 2025.
Full list in the KTH publications portal